Monday, August 21, 2006


Only a year ago I asked the same question: What are you listening to, artist and title? I'll go back later and see if it's the same. We all know some who never listen to anything but the 70's....Uhmm Have we tried anything new this year?
Dave Matthews, "Crash"CD
Dave Matthews, "Everyday"CD
Billy Joel -Live
Jeffrey Gaines-Always Be
Allan Tousiant and Elvis Costello new CD,

What are your favorites?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

All work and no play

What have you been putting off doing even though you know you should get it done?

I'll start, after powerwashing the deck early this am I found that I had only a smidgen of stain left. I ws sure there was another can waiting for me.....after staining the fences the deck will be easy. But I'll have to go get more stain........arghhhhh
Ask me how many times I went to the shore this summer?
Thanks to the breakfast club and friends who make sure that the addage all work and no play does not apply.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Name your Poison!

We all have one of those days from time to time. Well yesterday was mine, found a door that was coming off its hinges and a major tree limb hanging on by a thread....oye. I don't want to guess what's next. So I thought maybe a good stiff drink was the in order. What's your favorite drink/cocktail and do you care to share with us how its made?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Why I like the rain

The current weather has me thinking of ways to be "cool" -
As a child I loved raining days walking home from school tramping through puddles in barefeet.
Rainy weather makes pulling weeds in the Garden of Eden easier.
Rain often lowers the temperature.
Free car washing.
Rita's buy one get one offer.
Sleeping soundly at night to the music of the rain on the roof.

Can you offer an other ideas?