Sunday, August 21, 2005

Top 5

List five songs you're currently digging. It deosn't matter what genre they are from, wehter they have words ....or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, songs and authors, and consider yourself tagged if you'd like to play along..
1. Carole King- "It's Too Late." The Tapestry CD has been in the deck a lot lately, and many of the songs survive the test of time.
2. James Taylor- "Secret of Life."
3. James Taylor- "Handy Man." Seems the entire greatest hits is not far from my car.
4. Bruce Springsteen - "Man's Job & If I should fall behind." There are few Bruce songs that I don't like really.
5. And for something new...."Devil's in the Details" by Lowen & Navarro. I may be off a little about the author on this one.
OK...that's six, so what? I never was good with math! Have fun!


Pax Romano said...

Carole King's Tapestry - like a fine wine, that record (CD) just gets better with age (like us!)

Secret of Life is a fave of mine, as well as Terra Nova...

Joe Tornatore said...

i don't know 5 but someone please tell me the name of the song and artist to the closing moments on Six Feet Under. Wow!