Sunday, September 18, 2005

What a Week?

I hardly know where to begin to descibe the roller coaster of a week that I've had. Last weekend I told of the Jack Johnson concert at Penn's Landing. Didn't mattter that there were only a handfull of "old folks" like me. The crowd was adrift with the local college students. What a night!

Later there was an attempted break in at the Garden of Eden. Thirteen years without a problem, but this is not the same neighborhood of friendly Italians that looked out for one another.

By Tuesday, I was interviewing for another job! Thanks to all for the e-mails of congradulations on Friday. Most importantly to Merci, who has always been helpful and supportive. Within a day we were told out office is moving and for some its too long a drive. While some were doing their happy dance others were crying and complaining. Really too much complaining if you ask me, but then my drive doesn't change much. I see the drive as an opportunity to unwind befor you go home. This may or may not happen anyway. Why worry now?

I must decide if I am going to attend a class reunion, yikes. There is my nephews wedding in October. Would it be wrong not to go? I am not really in the mood for it. Add that the bridal tea/shower is being held at my Mothers former home. Seems strange to me.

There are so many changes before me I don't know where to start but I do believe that change is a good thing and the future is waiting for us to make the best of any opportunities. As long as we live everyday the best we can and never forget to tell those we love what they mean to us, thats all that really matters in the end.

In closing, I hope that we can rally to aide those persons who need our help in the Gulf Coast. No matter how large or small, we should all help if we can. You never know when we may be the ones in need.

Peace and love.


Pax Romano said...

Yes, what a week indeed! I knew about everything but the break in!!! My god! Good thing you have that tough watch dog of yours

Merci said...

At least the new office will be very close to a movie theater...

Joe Tornatore said...

congratulations, always the last to know.

Zelda Parker said...

Pax,That fierce dog is probably
what saved us....
Merci, "no joy in Mudville". I have been kicked out of my cubie already.
You should see how the middle aged women acted today when the new guy showed up for work. Everyone coming over for introductions. Humm, when did I become Mrs. Robinson? Be nice Paxie, you never know who's reading this?
JT and Klaus, guess you'll have some competition for the cutest hunks around the water cooler now.

Zelda Parker said...

Oops Paxie you know you'll always be "big Daddy." Not to worry! Age and experience always prevails over the beauty of youth.
Gracie stopped by but did not stay long.....
Medbh, when will you be visiting your old cubicle?

Pax Romano said...

It's ok, you can be Mrs. Robinson to the new "Undergraduate"....

Karl said...

Amazing how nothing changes for quite some time, then all of a sudden, there is NOTHING but change. That's why I always say, "When life is boring, enjoy it!"