Monday, December 19, 2005

What a day for holiday?

Well the shopping is done and the gifts are wrapped. The sun was shining and the cold didn't seem to be noticable this morning. A beautiful day to be on holiday mode and so apparently was everyone else. When I couldn't get a parking space at Trader Joe's I knew that the mad, mad rush was on. Not the kid, no I did not need organic extracts and dried fruits that badly. I got the idea to bake a version of the much maligned fruit cake for my Mom who thinks they are great. Instead I indulged on a delicious expresso with cherry syrup topped with whipped cream and a hint of chocolate syrup at Borders. They called Black Forest Mocha. I called it heavenly with every sip. Uhmm...The Brits are right about one thing, holiday sounds better that vacation. What a nice day to hang out and lunch with friends this holiday.


Merci said...

OK, my turn to come to YOUR house with the milk! And the Pepto, too. I've already exceeded my holiday calorie limit!

Merci said...

Oops. The comment above was meant for the previous post.

I'm with your mom. Must be the British blood in my veins. I like fruitcake! But isn't it too late to start them? Don't they have to marinate for awhile?

Joe Tornatore said...

if Mexicans ever bought out Borders would the chain be renamed South of the Borders?
glad you are done the holiday shopping.

Merci said...

Parking at Trader Joe's is hopeless at almost any time, even without the holiday. Thought about going there today when I left Mom's house, but decided I didn't need the headache.

Pax Romano said...

Not that I'll ever see any of those baked goods...sigh, whine etc...