Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Traveling is the appropriate thing to do while one is on vacation. So today I went back to London 1975. Yes it's possible and what a pleasant trip it was. Went along with the E Street band to the days of white polyester suits, curly perms, big glasses and platform shoes. Bruce unshaven and unkept sang his heart out! Cool! The thirtieth anniversary of "Born to Run" rereleased with concert footage and other goodies was a special treat this holiday.

Thanks to my dear friend Pax for making this trip possible.


Pax Romano said...

So glad you liked it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor you got the full body treatment yesterday. Excellent, you deserve it!!! Enjoy your vacation.

Joe Tornatore said...

What's one more Boss in the world! Sounds like a cool vacation.

Merci said...

Ah, vacation! Just getting the dates approved helps. Enjoy! You deserve a good one.