Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Name your Poison!

We all have one of those days from time to time. Well yesterday was mine, found a door that was coming off its hinges and a major tree limb hanging on by a thread....oye. I don't want to guess what's next. So I thought maybe a good stiff drink was the in order. What's your favorite drink/cocktail and do you care to share with us how its made?


Merci said...

I think you aleady know mine ;)
You need to stop by for some soon. Can also do a vodka martini, if you prefer.

Oh, that's right, we talked about a tea party today...
Well, we can do BOTH...

Joe Tornatore said...

i like martinis on rare occasion. i hear they turn the roots of your hair blond.

Pax Romano said...

I like a Zeldatini...I had a couple a few years back at this lovely party I went too...damn things went down like Granny's Moonshine!!

Zelda Parker said...
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Anonymous said...

I enjoy a Caucasian on occassion (no rhyme intended) 1.5 oz vodka, kahlua, .5 ish and top with cream over ice. Stir and enjoy.