Monday, October 01, 2007

New Beginnings- New Opportunities

....I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Howard Koch

Yes, its the closing line of the film Casablanca. If you haven't seen it then you don't like good movies. "Grannies Ramblings" started listing great quotes in her blog and I opened Bartlett's and this is where my random search landed.

Friendship often defined by mutally beneficial relationships with other people. Some folks have many friends and aquaintances and there are those who prefer a select few. Which are you? Let me ask another question do we value the relationship we have with ourselves ? They say if you don't love yourself, how can you care for anyone else. Have you performed any random acts of kindness today? this week? Have you called your pals for breakfast or lunch dates?

With a new month beginning and it being Breast Cancer Awareness month I cannot let an opportunity go by to remind all women to schedule their annual exam if they have not already done so. More on this topic later.

I am setting a challenge for myself and hopefully to inspire you to perform some random acts of kindness once each week. There is probably someone sitting next to you now who could benefit from your attention, your good listening skills or your assistance. What's it going to be?


Pax Romano said...


Good to see you back, and good friends (like you) are one of the blessings in my life.

Lets have breakfast soon!

Joe Tornatore said...

I like to leave the (Red) Barn door open for friends. Did I say that right?

mommanator said...

Great post & responses. Sorry I wasn't able to get up with you the past week! So busy getting Melski to appts. I know you understand. Won't se ya till the end of October! Maybe that week we can get together with Merci or the gang!

Zelda Parker said...

I could barely make three days last week. Going to breakfast was the farthest thing from my mind. However we can try to plan a breakfast club reunion soon. Hard to coordinate everyones schedules but we can try.

Merci said...

Do I see a Girls' Night Out in our future soon? At the end of October, perhaps???

Merci said...

Enjoyed last Sunday. And let's see that shop in town this week. Sorry I backed out on Friday - shouldn't have!