Friday, May 27, 2005

Hot Javier


I just read that my favorite spanish actor(Javier Bardem), is talking with Milos Forman to star in a film bio-pic about the 18th century painter Francisco de Goya. Natalie Portman may be the leading lady. Move over Antonio fans! See Variety or Google news. His latest movie Mondays in the Sun received less than stellar reviews on mlive. com. If you haven't seen The Sea Inside what are you waiting for? It is the story of...nah, see for yourself! Where are the pic's you ask? Well, I'm still working on that......


Anonymous said...

Honey, you know I love my husband, Saul and treasure him like a good Guci purse, but OY! That Javier is giving me hot know a woman of my age could teach him a thing or two!

Zelda, you may be goyum, but sweetie you have taste in men!

Pax Romano said...


Whatever happened to that movie that Javier and Antonio and George and Brad and all the others were going to be in? What was it called again, "The Shirts Off Our Backs"...yeah, a bunch of hot male actors just taking their shirts off so that we can gaze upon the beauty...ah, what a piece of work is man!

Anonymous said...

Yo Ant'ny,
I know how you like broad shoulders, but for me its a pair of great fitting Levi's.