Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Under a Tree

During the past weekend it was likely you sat under a tree in your backyard or at the public park to relax or enjoy a picnic. We take for granted how trees protect and shelter, provide cleaner air and shade from the opressive heat of summer.
You might think the present administration is too busy in the middle east, they are reported to be preparing to dismantle acts that prevent the deforestation of America's unpaved and tree filled spaces. That would be wrong. The Sierra Club Sierra Club.comhas posted the information and is asking that we inform our representatives to stop the rampant destruction of acres of trees in the Tognass(alaska) and other remaining undeveloped areas of this country. Please speak out against those who are intent to rape and exploit the land for profit. Memorial Day reminds us more than ever that the rights of all Americans come with responsibility to protect and defend that which is most important to all.

1 comment:

Karl said...

Will do, Zelda........