Saturday, May 20, 2006

Weekend relaxation?

I arose early to go to the market before the sleepy heads crowded into the old Shop Rite in my neighborhood. Completely forgot that I had a 9 am appointment to get my hair done. Oops, now who is the sleepy head. A quick trip to the nearby True Value hardware store for rakes and new garden tools, at least ones that would fit into my car. Wouldn't you know the twenty dollar garden cart was sold out. Surprise, surprise. Looks like the made them for children to play in the garden . Rushed home for an afternoon delivery of mulch, knowing there were plenty of beds and trees that still needed weeding in anticipation of the big delivery. Quickly I cleaned the area where the hammock will go up later (a reward later for all my efforts), removed the old BBQ grills and four tanks. Why did two people need two grills and four tanks of fuel? Miscellaneous items just seemed to find their way behind the garden shed and I know I didn't put anything back there? Humm, spend the remaining morning cleaning stuff that was never mine to begin with from behind the garden shed that was supposed to house the items that overflowed the garage. A garage that has not seen a car since 1990. I worked till the only stuff out back was a pile of wood seasoned for the taking and the lonely wheelbarrow that still had seen mulch today. About two o'clock when I was ready for a siesta the delivery finally arrived.

It took about ninety minutes to spread two cubic yards. Worse that that it barely made a dent compared to those areas that still need attention. Looks like its back to my favorite garden center for more mulch, more delivery charges, oops. Probably can use another four or five yards to finish my existing garden beds. Looks like it will not be ready for parties by the upcoming holiday. Maybe July? September?

Why tell this tale? Gardening is my passion so why am I complaining about the chores this year? Complain, complain, complain!. Cannot use my shoulder injury as an excuse any more. Is it time for a smaller yard? Perhaps a nice new condo with a oversized postage stamp of a yard?
I wonder?

I so looked forward to the weekend as a time to rest and relax, maybe tommorrow?

1 comment:

Merci said...

I admire your industry. There was a time when I would have wished for the energy to emulate it, but no more. I am contented to just admire it from the sidelines. ;)