Friday, July 28, 2006

Simple Pleasures

At Morning Martini the following posting was too good not to be repeated:

"that man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest"
-Henry David Thoreau

What are your simple pleasures?


Merci said...

-Walking outside - by the sea, in my yard - any natural setting will do.


-Conversation with a good friend.

-Quiet time alone.

-A good laugh.

-Chocolate ;)

There are many more, just can't think of them all right now. Good thing, this comment is already quite long...

pissed off patricia said...

One is finding my posts on someone else's site and enjoying that little smile that creeps upon my face.
Thank you :)

Seeing my cat and my dog sleeping soundly.

Often times when Mr Pop and I are in the car going somewhere, he will reach over, take my hand and kiss it. You've no idea how loved that makes me feel.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I assume you mean other than sex, drugs and rock and roll

1. Watching a rainbow or sunset
2. Picking my first ever homegrown tomato-"only two things money can't buy, thats true love and home grown tomatos"
3. Walking to our coffe shop
4. a nap in the afternoon, where the sun hits you just right, and you can't stop smiling

Pax Romano said...

Yes to the afternoon nap - can't beat it!

Drivng along, and your fave song shows up on the car radio!

Watching those plants you've worked on all spring long bloom in the summer!

A glass of red wine, a quiet evening, and some music playing softly in the background!

Finding a Marx Brother's film on TV when you least expect one!