Saturday, June 02, 2007

Closer to fine.

Friday and payday are usually welcomed by all of us and this week was no exception. Merci and I went to lunch over at IHOP for eggs, bacon and stuffed french toast. Humm, humm, humm! Highly reccomended and not too sweet despite the cherry fruit topping.

Ah, thank God today is over... after a tough week today should have been a respite. My respite turned into anything but and I'll spare you the details. Suffice to say they ain't heard the last of me yet. After grocery shopping, trimming the overgrown shrubs out front and then back to painting chores trying to stay ahead of the sunshine and the heat. By 10:30 or 11:00 it was too much for me. Mom came for lunch but her mixed breed dog did not sit still more that a split second, no discipline what so ever. I did manage to plant three pots of annuals to welcome people at my door before they arrived. Now if I could just get some basil, dill and tomatoes potted. Maybe there'll be thyme tommorrow?

Sunday morning I will have to be good to myself, great coffee, a leisurely lavender bath, and reading the paper while listening to the birds sing. Ahhh, who knows maybe after a nice breakfast and a long walk I'll be closer to fine.


Pax Romano said...

You know I love a gal who can fit both an Indigo Girls song as well as a pun into her postings (thyme).

Hey, Javier has a new movie coming out! That means he'll be free to draw your bath now that filming is over.

mommanator said...

Well, I see you are to your old tricks, heard you were at the IHOP-Judy said she ran into you two.
Glad you taking some time for yourself. COlo is way too cold for me this time, I have been freezing and wearing a jacket-They had snow in the mountains the day before we arrived.

Zelda Parker said...

It certainly was warm enough here. Felt as if we'd skipped to August yesterday. Hurry home, we miss ya!

Joe Tornatore said...

it's the bloody details i tune in for.