Saturday, January 26, 2008

Come on Springtime

There are fifty days till spring, give or take. right now I am happy every time the sun shines. How sad, i've had enough winter already. Finding it too cold to walk outdoors unless it is a necessity. How sad again? Forget about the cost of heating oil, I am considering a second job just for that. Where are my gardening catalogs? Seeing primroses and spring floweres forced into bloom in the Acme yesterday was uplifting. The flower show cannot be far off now.....can't wait, it's a burst of spring in the cold of a neverending winter season. I need winter to be over.....asap.
How do you ward off the ills of winter? Going to sunny florida seems out of the equation this year. Any suggestions?

I just visited the DMB site and they are promoting Willi Nelsosn's cover of "gravedigger." Check out or DMB web site if you want tsee his version done in black and white. Very interesting since I've never been a fan of WN before.......humm. See what you think?

1 comment:

mommanator said...

if ya get any glues on how to get rid of winter blues I'd sure like to know! Man I have em too!