Sunday, January 13, 2008

You only have two feet.

While many of us are trying to carry out our newly made resolutions in this new year amidst ever rising challenges. I am going to make only one resolution and that is to do the best I can with what I have and be grateful.

Trying harder just seems to add to stress and there comes a point where enough is enough!
How much stuff do we need to collect? Is there a prize for collecting more stuff.
How big does our home have to be? Remember George Carlin said, we buy bigger homes to store more stuff.
How many shoes do I really need? My dad would laugh as he used to say "you only have two feet." How many books line my shelves that I have not read? CD's that I no longer listen to?
Are we going without any of our basic needs to servive? Food, clothing and shelter?

OK, so a few bills linger from the holidays, and basic services such as oil heat, electric and city sewage cost twice what it did a few years ago. I won't be going to the movies this week and there will be no new clothes this winter, boo hoo. We are blessed with many good things in our lives and that is something to be thankful for; such as: friends, family, and stablity that we are there for one another. Many places in the world cannot say that. Many are suffering from fires, floods, natural and unnatural disasters.

I ask myself what can I do to contribute to a better environment? to become a better friend and a more authentic person?
Seems that making resolutions are harder to avoid that we think, but as long as you enjoy and be grateful that might be the most important way to be happy. What if any changes are you planning for 2008? I am focusing on just having a happy year.


Pax Romano said...

I gave up resolutions years ago as I always brake them by January 2nd (remember that year when I was only going to say positive things about co-workers???).

I hear ya about "the stuff". I have to laugh when I see all of those rental storage units that are springing up everywhere - people have so much crap they have to PAY to put it somewhere ... sheesh, why didn't we think of that? We'd be rich!

Don't worry about being authentic. You are the most authentic person I'd ever met.

mommanator said...

So true pax and a wonderful friend!
They don't make friends like you now! miss ya Momma