Friday, August 05, 2005

Thank God it's Friday

Thank God it's Friday was never more appropriate. I can honestly say that I like my job as a social worker and most of the people act like a supportive team in a professional emergency.

Some very weird stuff occured this week. A co-worker announced that she was terminally ill and asked that we respect her privacy at home, as these were her last few days in the office. Withing minutes you could not walk anywhere without hearing a discussion of the annnouncement. The worker was the only one who was calm and apparently accepting of the situation. Perhaps she was trying to lead her peers by example, demonstrating that her faith gave her the comfort that she needs during this trial. There were cards, gifts, and an impromptu luncheon in her honor the second day. There has to be a lesson in all of this and I want it to be about more than living every day to the fullest. None of us has any time to waste that's for sure. I hope that the faith of this strong woman saves her from pain and can be an example for her family/friends/co-workers to follow.

Day three we had a visitor from Transylvania, not exactly. There was a bat flying around and someone trapped it under a wastebasket untill the proper authorities were called in. Why not release it outdoors? Although I did not volunteer to perform this task. Humm, too weird, thought bats flew around during darkeness. We needed to lighten up, that's for sure and soon postings for a save the bats campaign started poping up. There were pictures of bats and batman logos multiplying faster that you can say, " To the batcave, Robin." There is important work to be done here!

Even if we are not sure what it all means while its happening, there has got to be a reason to believe. Hope, love and faith can be the most powerful forces on earth, if we would just utilize them.

1 comment:

Joe Tornatore said...

you forgot about the great Poland Springs caper.