Saturday, September 03, 2005

Happens Everytime

Maybe I wait too long to take vacations. The past few weeks have been very stressful professionally and personally. With only three days till vacation I came down with what I thought was a cold last Sunday. You know I'm sick when I don't go out of the house for four days. I didn't read one book and didn't talk because I had a horrible sore throat. Maybe the allergy medicine is just is not working? The message is clear, I need a break! Sometimes it has to be about yourself. Giving too much can be costly and I am paying a price. Happens all the time, I catch something just enough to annoy me, rob my energy, and cause me to become a couch potato eating Ben & Jerry's for comfort.

I cancelled all my appointments and activities and just watched the sad excuses that t.v. programming has become. Saddest of all is what is happening in the Gulf Coast states. Wake up America, wake up GW! Why weren't there troops and supplies arriving the morning after the storm passed. Homeland Security indeed! Perhaps there is something I can do to help? Contact the Red Cross, send money, something? If every adult sent just one dollar, imagine the power that could have?

Since I am not contageous I am going to carry the tissues and go out to face the beautiful world today. Running errands yesterday doesn't count. So where will I go and what will I do? Hummm, summer is winding down fast and there are plenty of things that I haven't done yet? This is supposed to be my vacation and it will be over before I know it!


Pax Romano said...

You were missed (Jax can NOT make coffee to save her life-LOL) but you did miss this decadent fruit pie (not Joey) that was brought in the other day! It was sinful! OH and guess what? They set us free at 3 yesterday!!!!!

Feel better and tell Bea that Sabelina sends her best!

Anonymous said...

Missed you yesterday at the office. Oh, and thanks for the use of your desk!

I am wiped out too. I have never been this tired in my life as I have been this past week.

Keep getting better. Can't miss that outing next weekend!

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment about not needing terrorists to destroy our country, that we were doing a fine job ourselves.

Problem is, most Americans still don't get it.

Joe Tornatore said...

ben & jerrys huh? is that the they scream, i scream, we all scream approach?