Saturday, January 07, 2006

Favorite things

My favorite things about a new year:

HOPE that this year will bring health, happiness and peace we all desire.
While most people are starting diets and excercise regimes I hope to be able to continue walking several miles each week. (don't really like going when its cold outside). Somehow I managed to loose a few pounds....

Cleaning out the clutter from closets and the attic seems to be in some way therapuetic. Having a small house has forced me to streamline and not collect too much stuff. A work in progress I admit.

Wishing that this year the fighting will cease and American soldiers will come home to their families.

A new year brings a new opportunity to acheive the goals that we set for ourselves.
Finally, Faith the things will all turn out for the best!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh and sweetie, you forgot the most important wish for the new year...That Macy's marks down their linens before March. I need a new table-cloth and feh on paying full price!