Friday, May 01, 2009

Arbor Day = Garden Day

Last Friday I took a vacation day and the weather could not have been more perfect. Each year at Arbor Day I try to plant a tree, if not a tree, then a shrub or something that will grow to beautify the earth and decrease CO2 emissions. Each time I have moved to a new home I have vigorously dove into gardening chores, and this year was no exception. After cutting grass that was eight inches tall, I planted a 3' red japanese maple sapling. Trying to be frugal and honestly its easier to transplant a smaller tree. Then it was on to a beautiful red azalea bush for a corner of the porch that needed a lift. The borders were cleaned for annuals yet to be determined; the mulch applied to finished beds. I was tired and muscles ached but yet it was a happy day. I f everyone of us planted just one tree...OK I give this retoric every year. The very next day the heat spike to the 90's.
Now it's on to the dead limbs of towering white pines along the back of the property. Those limbs close to the ground have been brutally chopped by neighbors presumably and many lower limbs are dead. I am trying to remove them but as I told Shoebee I am intimidated by power tools. String trimmers not withstanding.
Settlling into this new house has its challenges and I guess I need to give it more time. It's a long long way from the Garden of Eden. By the way I have not even driven by the old garden/house to see what it looks like. I am sure it's beautful as the trees there are maturing and a miriad of colors in spring. With time and God's blessing I can do that again, no problem. Happy planting to you gardeners out there.


Pax Romano said...

I can't wait to see how you transfer that yard in to another of Zelda's Gardens of Eden!!!

Pax Romano said...

Oh, just as long as it does not become a "Grey Garden" being STAUNCH and all of that...

et said...

Zelda, I had a few extra minutes this morning and decided to visit your Blog. So happy you're settled in and making life beautiful, again! Best of luck with your new digs.

mommanator said...

another landscape to beautify. I am sure oyu are up to that task!.happy planting trees and your roots!

Zelda Parker said...

ET,Been meaning to tell you that you're prediction about the date of the house sale was accurate within ten days....Nice work. There were so many people that looked at it and it sold soon after you said it would!