Sunday, May 10, 2009


After all the rain I could not believe that grass could grow that high in just two weeks. It was 8-10 inches tall and the newly planted annuals were lost amidst the managerie. Two lawn movers and aching backs later we restored normalcy. The plants are all doing well drinking up the bounty of the skies benefits. I planted three flats of annual, and some seeds and barely made a dent in my dreams of a new garden. I spent nearly the whole day outdoors and loved it, see weeding and beautifying is not a task for me.

Nasturtiums have always been relagated to containers, this year hanging pots on the deck. Found some white and green marigold seeds, hope that they get a start in the beds before the heat arrives. It's a gamble. Decided on three cherry tomatoe plants for one twenty four inch pot but I could thin them, I suppose. Took some time today to go looking for deck furniture found the best adriondack chairs made of composite materials that cost as much as indoor furniture. The budget for outdoor stuff will probably mean sitting in plastic chairs once again. That is not the worst thing in the world. As long as there is plenty of good food and cool drinks, who cares?

The local nursery was looking for extra help, I admit I considered it. How many folks are going to agree to work weekends? This might be one way to start the next chapter in my autobiography. Humm.

Wanted to go to see the Star Trek movie based on the reccomendations of Chicken Scratch's early opinion. Of course, he is biased, but he was not the only one who reccomended it. With 75.5 million in ticket sales reported for the weekend, someone likes it. Even my sister wanted to go again......go figure? Had lunch with my mom, sis, her daughter and husband who was a riot. Then to the hospital to pay my respects to a friends mom. A very busy day!


mommanator said...

yikes, did ya leave anythign undone on the wekend?

Merci said...

We plan to see the Star Trek movie this week, and maybe Angels and Demons, too!

Too bad about the Adirondacks. I'm going to get myself a nice lounge chair (cheap) so that I can set up outside with a good book from time to time this summer.

Zelda Parker said...

There is always something chep to be found, we learned that yesterday.