Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Only Constant

Who is to be credited for the quote that the only constant is change? What a terror in Haiti? What can we all do to help someone less fortunate? How brave are those doctors and other who bravely go into the country that is on the brink. I would be too afraid, honestly.

Reading other blogs I was reminded that this day would have been my dear old
Dad's birthday. Guess he'd be 75 if he were alive. Sometimes I think he is, and I finally learned the lessons. I think he looked like Clark Gable and acted like John Wayne or Gary Cooper. Always quiet always listening, steady as a rock.

Been looking at other homes, closer to work, if only fifteen minutes would be better. How many folks drive more that an hour to get to work each day? Reality is the great equalizer, though this was stressful, world events put it all in perscpective. I have not been this moved by a natural disaster in some time.


Joe Tornatore said...

the tsunami gripped me just as much...the fact that the earthquake ocurred just 700 miles from florida brings the devastation closer to home.

Merci said...

With our work future suddenly so uncertain, I might be looking at a move in the not-so-distant future, too. Turn, turn, turn.

mommanator said...

I hear ya about haiti, what a tradegy! should I go voluteer or something! No I think it better to send cash I'd prob get in the way!

You always have an empty feeling for a parent- I feel like an orphan. I am just grateful my parents were who they were when I did have them!

Looking for a new residence! didnt ya just get into this one? or are ya just renting!?

Zelda Parker said...

I have not purchased and am moving on, although there are many bumps in the road. Trying to take the high road is not always easy, you know that.

mommanator said...

give me a call when you are wantin to chat. I'm here most eve's and you know my schedule (almost)
Ah except Wednesday eve

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