Saturday, July 14, 2007

Not so sweet water

Mom and I went out to dinner at Sweetwater Casino which is located along the Mullica River way down in the PIne Barrens. Seems there are a lot more homes along the winding wooden roads. The restaraunt doesn't look any different thatn the last time I was there for a retirment luncheon for one of our collegues. For that matter it looks like it did in the 70's when I used to canoe with a friend down the lazy river. In those days I could not afford to eat there. The menu still has Duck ala Orange and Beef Wellington, although the only thing I saw anyone eat was the shrimp and crab legs from the buffet. When in Rome? I had to be different and ordered clams casino and a caesar salad. No too impressive. Mom did not like her crab legs but the steamed shrimp was good. The view is the best part of dining there, sitting near a window or outdoors to enjoy the view of the peacefull river and the little marina that has grown up there. Folk around us talking about how they see no need to go to the shore when they have this little spot. Humm. Takng a canoe trip down the Mullica looked like the best idea of the day. Thankfully its the weekend. Enjoy


mommanator said...

I feel pretty much the same about the reviered Sweetwater-never thought as a casino!
Did I tell ya we took the kiddos canoeing They loved it. Ever need a canoe we have acess to our dads

Zelda Parker said...

I would like very much like to take a relaxing canoe trip down the Mullica. That was the best part of the drive to Sweetwater.
Could not find the house my freinds family use to own. Either I was lost or it was given a makeover? as for dinner I would have rather ate at Billy's.

Pax Romano said...

Next time, take Mom to Le Bec Fin!

mommanator said...

Hey hows about serving crunchy grass LOL!

Zelda Parker said...

Want some?

Merci said...

I have access to a canoe, too. Can't wait until it's just a little bit cooler.

I've had OK meals at Sweetwater (though I haven't been there recently) but it's not a fancy place! It should be nicer, given the location.

mommanator said...

HEY we all should go canoeing down the Mullica! can you imagine what fun that would be! we'd have to get our love interests paddle while we soak in the sun!

Merci said...

oh yeah, they're gonna paddle (for) us, alright...

Zelda Parker said...

If only I had someone to paddle for me?

Zelda Parker said...

Think Pax and Whatshisname are game?