Thursday, July 05, 2007

Summer pleasures

I am doing it again, have three books started, now which one at I going to finish?

Tonight after the light rain I thought it would be a great time to do some weeding in the garden. weeding is a good chore after being at work. Man does it look nice to come up the drive filled with butterfly bushes in purple and white, purple liatris, blackeyed susans, white daylillies, echinechea, verigated grasses and some unknown white flowers that grew out of the bird seed from a feeder that used to be positioned there. If I had a scanner you could all see it too. Down the opposite drive I aboandoned efforts to remove the BE Susans that reseed every year and they are lining my neighbors driveway so beautifully. Hope they like the colors of bold yellow, oranges and brown. Just as I am writing thre is a hummingbird looking for a favorite flower. How cool is that. There is a toad that has hibernated under some ivy for whom I put a little clay (pot) house in place. Hope it's to his liking.....

Now I need to have a tractor trailer of mulch delivered.......and spread around. Once I get my shoulder done forget about it!

Ooops missing the Phillies, bye!


Merci said...

Can't wait until I can start gardening again!

pissed off patricia said...

Please take pictures. You have given me a beautiful mental image so I want to see the real thing.

mommanator said...

great writing Zelda- I can see and smell without being there

Merci said...

If you need help posting images (scanning photos in or saving image files from a digital camera) I might be able to help...