Friday, May 08, 2009

More gardening questions for you experienced toilers. How many tomatoes can I put into one deck pot that is twenty four inches tall and about as wide? One cherry tomatoe, two or three?
I am used to gardening in the earth, not containers. I am sure Pax can sign in on this one.

I used the break in the rain to plan a flat of zinnias in the back. They are cinnamon and whit striped. I found seeds for white marigolds, sunflowers and nasturtiums that will be added to the soil and deck containers this weekend. I cannot wait for some sunny weather to enjoy the outdoors. But first I must find some furniture. Adirondack chairs, or maybe the retro metal chairs of the 1950's. Most stuff looks like it would not last more than one season or is over 500.00 f0r table and chairs. I plan to arrange a seating area on one side and a dining area on the other. Never had such a nice deck. I an invision the margarita's flowing and the tapas for all of you who helped me move in. Soon as the rain let's up.


mommanator said...

you must be in glory gardening and making anew

It def is you

Zelda Parker said...

yes, morning glory...hahahah

mommanator said...

shoe says easily 9 giving 6 inches in between! ??? Shoe also said you don't know, whats up with that. really depends on how many tomatoes ya want????

Merci said...

Careful with the nasturtiums. They took over a flower bed on me once, rather like wild cucumber. I had to pull them all. They will also self-seed for the next year.

9 tomato plants in a 24-inch-across pot sounds like an awful lot to me, but I don't know much about vegetable gardening. I would have guessed 1-2.