Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7 and 7

It was Merci's blog a little while ago that asked for seven things you love and to pass it on to seven blogger buddies; Mommonator, Pax, Shannon, the Vault, Klaus, Freudian slips and ET. Could not forget ET. So here goes;
1. Love having a good massage.
2. Serenity.
3. Gardening; spring flowering trees and bulbs.
4. A book that you don't want to put down.
5. Hearing a good laugh of a friend and laughing till I cry.
6. Haring birds sing in the backyard.
7. Knowing that something is good is coming.


et said...

Seven things I love? There is so much to life that I love, it's hard to pick and choose. I'll try and write the first things that come to mind.
1. Love to be around people; at certain times solitude is best.
2. Sounds of little ones laughing.
3. Love to learn new things.
4. A good story told by anyone.
5. Help those in need.
6. Wiggle my toes in fresh spring grass.
7. Hearing good news, anyone's!

et said...

P.S. Thanks for remembering me!