Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ruminations, not me.....

Well, let's see how I am doing on the annual resolutions;
Eating breakfast every day- OK, so far so good.
Eat right, guess chocolate mousse and cherry cake for breakfast yesterday blows that deal. But I told Deb it may have been the best dessert I ever had. Save it for lunch, hardly, it lasted as long as I savored every bite. Exercising the waistline, new machine and so far about three ten minute sessions. Doesn't even account for yesterday's breakfast, oh it was that good.
But the most important goal one is still intact. Don't worry, be happy!

How are you guys/gals doing? Oh, don't tell me that you didn't make any, that's too easy.


Anonymous said...

I resolved to
Quote Groucho to my fave blond
Quote Mae to my fave blond
Watch my fave blond turn red
Call my fave blond, "A very staunch woman".

So far, so good!

Merci said...

*covers eyes and shudders* Just don't ask, please don't ask...