Monday, January 08, 2007

Cultivating a new Garden

Today's mail was filled with new years gardening catalogs filled with beautiful tempting annuals, perennials and trees. I want to start the new year with a healthier more positive approach. I want to enjoy some of those things on my to do list like taking a vacation. I've been taking pictures with my old camera(not digital) and a few are worthy of framing. Guess I need to learn to add them to the blogs. Today I found the piece of exercise equipment ordered for a NY resolution on the back step, no more excuses. Trying not to eat sugary stuff this afternoon was hard but I managed, until now. Who left that carton of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream in the freezer? The creative part of my brain is reusing and recycling whatever items I can around the house, less is more. One example is a quilt top of children's Christmas fabrics that have been here for a long time and I quilted even while watching the Eagles game yesterday. My Gran would be proud. Waste not, want not. Where else have I heard that? Great news that Momma Jax is better and will be back to singing a church before we know it. There are many things to be thankful for and sometimes we loose sight of the blessings in our lives. Life is too short and I don't have any time to waste cultivating negative thoughts. Of course if we all planted just one tree, imagine the improved air quality. A quarter acre of green grass can provide air for a family of four. A quarter acre of trees well, that would be miraculous... imagine the possibilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great post!? sounded like ya had a bit too much of that ice cream though, lol I cant even imagine how long my list of thanks would be, but on the top of the list is friends like you Momma