Wednesday, January 17, 2007

While the world slumbers..

Up early while the rest of the world around me is still quiet. This may well be the most serene time of day. The sunrise is peaceful and beautiful unlike the angry red sky of last night's setting sun. Today's agenda may well be challenging as they are going to do some tests of my shoulder. So I have asked for a sedative, just in case I need it as I loathe MRI's. There is a second doctor's appointment in the afternoon and as a reward a Swedish massage. A massage is something I have not done in almost a year! That should help.


Anonymous said...

good luck with your tests. i have to agree with you about the sunrise. its my favorite time of the day. the vault

Joe Tornatore said...

what a coincidence finding the vault here in a safe place. you give the guy internet and he is all over the freaking place. Doesn't he have pencils to sharpen or something? lol

Zelda Parker said...

Maybe he needs to be writing a blog of his ownand he woudldn't have time to keep his desk so clean. Humm, oh yeah he may be reading. WE better be careful what we say, nahh.
The "Mommanator" has a blogspot if you're interested. I am terrible with liks, sorry.

Merci said...

I'm odd, I know, but I kind of enjoyed my MRI. It was futuristically soothing, somehow. I get to do it again in a few months...