Friday, May 04, 2007


Thank God it's Friday:
No more work.
Wonderful spring weather.
A beautiful view of the Garden.
Tall glass of lemonade next to the computer,
B & J ice cream for dessert.
A few interesting magazines to read,
All set for a wonderful weekend....


mommanator said...

I'm coming to your place.
my poem would be allot different.
go to the doctor, plant those pansies. straighten the house. might get 1/2 of it done the way I feel, been sik all week with the flu!

Joe Tornatore said...

the garden probably has enough flowers for every retirement party in the next ten years.

Zelda Parker said...

I only share/cut flowers for friends......Gardeners do share with each other. Uhmmm you're giving me ideas.....

pissed off patricia said...

Sounds delightful to me. I really have no plans for the weekend and that's my favorite plan.
