Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Art & French Toast

There are wonderful illustrations at frenchtoastgirl.com. I have not figured how to link you to her site, or I would have. This month of May she is challenging visitors to do some creative work everyday in May. If you write, paint, take photographs whatever creative endeavor you enjoy, do it everday. Believe me, I'd garden everyday if it were not for work spoiling my fun. What ever form of creative endeavor you enjoy, make time for it everyday and see what you can accomplish in one month. Imagine what the possibilites "may" be. What better time to start somethiing new. I am inspired with the possibilities.


mommanator said...

OMG- what got into you! the sunshine or something! Love to hear ya so uplifted!
Thanks for the kind words and also the phone message

mommanator said...

hey try this: http://frenchtoastgirl.com
worked for me

pissed off patricia said...

Isn't it great what spring does for our minds and attitudes? Not sure I am creative but I do make it a point to enjoy some part of the day every day. Right now being able to take my book out in the sunshine and read, is my treat for the day.