Tuesday, July 10, 2007

90 degrees in the shade

Did I complain about the cold of winter?
It was 99 at 7:15 pm yesterday.
When I cam home today it was warmer inside that outside.
Guess I'm going to have to break down and turn on some air conditioning.
Am watering the perennials with a drip hose and the looming clouds that looked like rain are passing bye the Garden.
Despite my best efforts there are three boxwoods that are not going to see the fall.
Maybe I'll just:
sit on the porch swing,or
go swimming,
take a cold shower,
go to the movies.

What your best idea to stay cool, beyond the obvious usage of ac:


Pax Romano said...

I like to lounge in a hammock while the pool boy hands me cool drinks and applies a cold wet towel to my forehead.

Works like a charm!

mommanator said...

OOOO I need to share that pool boy! Otherwise how about a cool pitcher of lemonade while being doused by a cool sprinkler whilst the pool boy is rubbing my back

Joe Tornatore said...

Don't believe Pax for a New York minute. He likes back rubs.

mommanator said...

yeh if one can get close enough his space to rub it