Saturday, July 30, 2005

Is it safe?

Sometime ago I'd renamed the local paper the "-------- crimes journal." I've not been totally oblivious to the decline in my area. The once quiet little Italian neighborhood that I moved into is apparently no more. My little area of Paradise is reported the be the highest crime area in all of NJ. Not only the county, but the town I live in? Go figure. Violent crimes especially domestic violence is double that of the rest of the five surrounding cities. We have almost doubled Camden's crime rate. Until reading yesterday's newspaper my only concern was about the children playing in and near the street where young men drag race their small cars. Little cars sound big laden with glass packs and window rattling sound systems. Before the security alarm and iron gates are added to the windows I have a few things to say. This used to be a beautiful little town with 18th century architecture line the mile long main street. It was a treat when Mom took me to shop for the best gowns & prom dresses. Its a place where antique cars still parade down the "avenue."Just one year ago this was reported to be one of the best places to live due to low taxes and plenty of open space. I believe the town could be as beautiful as Haddonfield or Morristown if those in power were not so resistant to change. There is not one coffee shop, let alone a tea house.
A beautifully landcaped yard was something that I'd dreamed of having and gardening gives me a outlet to be creative. In the backyard it's hard to imagine all bad press about Bine Land. Leaving will be hard to adjust to, like a child leaving home. So on this beautiful summer weekend we are working on the punch list with a "for sale" sign in mind when we should be minding the summer skies. I am going to have to adjust to a change that was not in the plans, but life is like that sometimes. Despite the razzing I take this is still a beautiful place to live!


Pax Romano said...


You and Bubba should come to Utopia!!! Think of it, you could get a nice starter home for about ten million!!! Or then again, that place in North Salem, Mass might fit the four of us!!!!

Zelda Parker said...

Bubba said start packing and get ready!

Weary Hag said...

Connecticut might be a nice place to consider. I'm sorry things have taken a downhill slide in your area (can't wait to learn where you are) ... it happens to the nicest of places after years of neglect by those in political power.
I'm happy I escaped from NYC before my old neighborhood started to make a rapid descent.
Again, lovely post!

Karl said...

Screw Utopia..........Move to the shore.........That's where it's at.