Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pet Peeves

It seems that I have nothing but gripes these days, what is that about? Time for a vacation or what?

1.My favorite pooch seems to prefer to defecate in the house rather than outdoors. Too many steroids perhaps?
2.Men who call their wives the "old lady."
3. How bubba will run the air conditioner with the windows open upstairs.
4.When you drive a safe distance from the car in front of you and someone cuts into the too small space in front at 60+ mph.
5.Fake people. Sometimes I just want to tell them .......
6.Clutter around the house after I spent the weekend cleaning.
7. Spending nearly one hundred dollars for hair that is not what you asked for.
8. Lying, liars and the lies .............

Well I could not think of ten, bet that you have some of your own that you could add to the list?


Merci said...

Poor Zelda! You have my synpathy. I understand the pooch problem. It's really hard when they get old. The driving thing gets to me,too. And don't get me started on the hair thing! I have been so stymied in my efforts to get a good do that I've just let it grow. At least I updated the color last week. Did it myself: tired of spending a fortune for nothing special.

Hope today gets better for you!

Zelda Parker said...

Thanks buddy tried to call to compliment you on your newsletter, only to find you're on vacation? Enjoy! Great day to stay indoors, curl up with the pups and the latest JWeiner novel.

Merci said...

Thanks, Zelda! I'm relieved to hear that the newsletter went out. I submitted it last week on Wednesday (the committee met on Tuesday), and I was starting to wonder...

Weary Hag said...

There's nothing wrong with a good list of gripes on occasion!

If I may add one? When that guy who cuts in front of you (that you mentioned) has a bumper sticker that says his kid is an honor student. (makes me want to open my window and yell "so where are his FATHER'S brains?)