Monday, November 06, 2006


I was eager to attend a concert under the stars. After all, it was free and there are few things better that good music and great friends. The band, Grey Eyed Glances was one that I'd seen before at an all day folk concert held on mowed pasture fields in Southern NJ. Their ballads werre laced with folk melodies and soft rock sounds, but the angelic voice was what impressed me. It was reminiscent of an old Irish lullaby.

On that Indian summer evening, I arrived to find one of several friends had arrived moments before me. I was excited to see a friendly face. From my cars trunk I retrieved a well worn patchwork quilt. My foavorite colors of pink and green, very warm and comforting whenever you wrapped yourself in it. Finding just the right vantage point I spread the blanket across the sloped ground in anticipation of the evenings' magic and energy of live music. It was the sky that drew my attention like a magnet. The indigo sunset was beautiful beyond words. I cannot remember a sky quite like it. Only Van Gogh could have painted its likeness. The purest indigo, yellow blue and lavender striations consumed the horizon, above the hill where we sat.

Still anticipating the bands arrival on stage, try as I might I could not take my gaze away from the sky for very long. Trying not to sound corny I asked my companion if she'd noticed the sunset. "Oh yeah, it was really nice huh." Nice it was, compelling drawing me to stare the way the ocean tide beckons surfers and fisherman.

When the music started it was relaxing in a way that little else can. Still there was a little chill in the air. I wiggled deeply into the quilt while listening to the music and taking in the last few minutes of the most beautiful sunset. As it began to fade to oranges and salmons the band was just hitting their stride. With Halloween approaching, they sang "oohhoo, oohhoo that Voodoo beware..." In that fleeting moment music filled the arena where everyone was dancing, swaying and clapping to the gentle rhythms. It was a perfect evening and the beauty of the indigo moon at sunset was etched into my memory as perfection.


Anonymous said...

very beautiful etching of God's beauty! MOMMANATOR

Joe Tornatore said...

mowed pasture fields. nice imagery.