Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thankful ll

Something else that I am thankful for today is simply a day off from work. Not for doctor's appointments, repairmen or anything else. The sun is shining and the weather mild. Must get out for a walk today. Ferris Bueller had his day off and now I am having one of my own.
I have been in a creative mode and believe me I am having fun making things for gift giving. In searching through my supplies for white fabric I found a quilt top that I started one or two years ago that needs finishing. Made something similar last week. One has a children's theme and the other a tree pattern or my own creation. Never the less I am wrapped up in sewing at this time. This rarity will probably not happened again for another twelve months or more. Hated to learn to sew as a kid. Thanks Mom for insisting.
Funny though I am not motivated to decorate and put up a tree. I am probably a decorator at heart, maybe in a past life.
Speaking of being creative I was tempted to purchase the TSV on QVC. A dream for the handy man or woodworker. Whats next? While I do not share the gifts of prose and poetry of some favorite bloggers and I don't have the humor of Pax Romano. I'm not interested in politics like Karl and Patsy. I will say that I thought the war in Iraq was a mistake from the beginning. Thats all the politics you'll get from me today. I have some talents of my own and they are calling me to get back to work. Who knows what is next? Peace and love in all you do my friends.

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