Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Something to be Thankful For...

Yesterday I had the roofing contractor return as the guys broke a pipe that vented through the roof. It was after eleven when this hunky workman arrived. He needed only twenty minutes to make the repair and the roof was good as new. What was new was his accent that overshadowed his attempts at English. Vincent it turns out was from Brazil. His accent was as thick as his shoulders probably from carring roofing materials up ladders. I did not ask, but wondered what would bring someone from such a warm climate to the cold fall days of NJ. My only interest was to put to rest the roof repair and replacement.

So the point, I am thankfull that the roof is complete. That all of your well wishes came true. It was not as bad as I imagined. Only two and a half sheets of plywood had to be replaced. Watching home improvment shows last week had me imagining that it was badly rotten. That thought was not a figment of my furtile imagination but a seed planted by one roof contractor who predicted the worse. Thank God he was wrong. I am going to try to learn a lesson here. In a voyage of self discovery toward authenticity, there are nothing but lessons to be learned. Now I can put a lid on the stress of waiting and wondering. There is much to be thankful for.


Pax Romano said...

Hmmmm, Vincent, the swarthy man with broad shoulders from BrrrrAzillll.

Did you invite him in for tea and scones later?

Joe Tornatore said...

did you thank him for venting? lol