Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Summer Concerts

Queen Posted by Hello
Summer is finally here and that means concerts with friends. Nothing like good friends and great music. The first concert I remember was Queen's "Night at the Opera." BJ, Richard, Mike G. and I could not get enough of this band. We went four times in the seventies. There is nothing like Brian, Rodger, John and the iconic Freddy Mercury. Being unique is important to a teenage girl. There was and never will be anyone who can match the range and tonal color of Freddy Mercury. It's hard to pick a favorite song: Liar, Bohemian Rapsody, Tie Your Mother Down, We will Rock You, We are the Champions or Under Pressure wiith my other fav, Davie Baby.The band is rumored to have hired a new lead singer and touring again. Hey guys, you don't need me to tell you that no one can replace his spectacular dramatics on stage. Thanks to the DVD industry, I can now enjoy one of my favorite concert experiences anytime. We miss you Freddy!


Joe Tornatore said...

Mercury was out of this world!

Karl said...

Ditto on the memories of Summer and concerts. I can remember sweating my butt off at JFK Stadium in Philly in the sun and heat. I turned down tickets to the WXTU show a few weeks ago at the Tweeter (or whatever it's called now)Center. Too much sun and heat. And I won't even talk about the prices. (That JFK Stadium show was $15.00 for an all day, several act concert).